When we Waffle
When we Waffle’ is a comedy show born from the comedic talent Terry Mynott (‘The Mimic’ ‘The Morgana show’ ‘VIP’) which mocks beloved and less beloved stars through Terry’s impressions, whilst bantering with his co-hosts, Katrina Fox and Laurie Peters.
The show brings together random chit-chat and big bantz. Regularly taking phone calls from people like Terry Wagwan, Donald Trump reading his novel ‘Cincinnati St’, Brian Cox, Tina Turner, Cliff Richard, Gregg Wallace and Lenny Henry. Get a bit of ‘waffle’ in your life – you won’t be sorry.
Latest Episodes
Politics Uncensored
Episode 67 - 100 Days of Labour
Access All Areas
Episode 236 - Marnie Simpson & Monique Payneeandy
What the Health
Episode 35- Tommy Lewis, Tommy Hatto and Professor Sarah Berry
That Money Show
Episode 26- Andy Donald and Laura Schmidt