Former Love Islander Says He Turned Down The Opportunity To Go Back Into Villa


    Ex-Love Islander Wes Nelson reveals that he declined the opportunity to appear on Love Island All Stars 

    Chatting to Bobby Norris and Ellen Coughlan on the showbiz programme Access All Areas, the singer spoke about Love Island All Stars: “They said would you consider it? And I spoke to them, and I said, obviously, I'm in a relationship, and I just don't think I'm down to do it anymore.” 

    He continued to speak about if he was asked again to appear on the show: “I don't think I could, you know when I went and performed with Craig, just even being in the villa and the smells and the sight of everything, I got anxiety” 

    Later in the episode the 26-year-old opened up about online trolls: “I do get them, don't get me wrong, I get some and I find it dead funny. Like, I show my missus, or I show whoever I'm with. I'm just like, some of them are really creative.”  

    He continued: “I'm not inviting people to do creative slander now, but at the same time, it's strange that it's real people. But what they don't understand is we're real people sometimes. And I think sometimes I've responded to stuff, and they're like, ‘Oh my God. I didn't think you'd actually see this’. I'm just like, why send it? Yeah, I’ve got quite thick skin, but I know some people don't.” 

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