Celebrity SAS Drill Sergeant Reveals Producers Broke A Vital Rule For Matt Hancock

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    Chatting to host Bobby Norris on the showbiz programme Access All Areas, the drill Seargent spoke about not knowing which celebs would feature on the show : "We never know. We've always tried to find out. We try to find out and you might get wind of the odd celebrity, but usually they're pretty good at keeping it from us. And it's got to the point now where I don't want to know."

    He continued: "So last year, they did tell us the night before that we were going to have Matt Hancock on because they just wanted us to think that through about how we were going to approach it. I thought it was awesome that we got to pummel him. I was worried we'd get some stick for giving him airtime. We did have to treat him fairly though."

    Later in the interview, DS Fox was asked whether he was gutted that contestant Ovie Soko left the show because of Georgia Harrison: "Yeah, I was. I liked him. He was one of my favourites to be fair, when he came in. I thought, wow. He is someone to watch. He was there for a good reason, but I think when you're at the end of the course, you're goosed, they haven't eaten. It's difficult to know how people are going to act in that sort of situation. And then throw in a bit of aggro in the team, you can see it happen. Georgia pissed me off from the beginning."

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